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"We're All About Positive Thought!"

We're passionate about bringing Positive thought to your Life!

Our Philosophy

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

Be humble, for you are made of earth.

Be noble, for you are made of stars.

The world has enough for everyone's needs

but not enough for everyone's greed!

Our world will find peace when we all find our inner peace individually.

Our Passion

Learn to see Spirit!

There are moments in our lives that remind us of our true Divine nature and oneness with all of creation. In these moments we get a glimpse of our true nature as living sparks of a loving God.

Each man and woman is a part of Spirit.  The Spirit should be acknowledged first, and then the physical beauty can be enjoyed and appreciated. Seeing Spirit first is the great equalizer. It keeps the heart and crown open.


It acknowledges each person as beautiful regardless of the attractiveness or unattractiveness of the physical vehicle

and or religion.

Our Vision

​​To better understand what it means to ascend.

To ascend is to rise above and reach through 

the fear of the unknown. 


This of course is just the beginning.

Our Team

Holistic Instructors

spiritual guidance

Cherlyn Fields

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