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This Month's Classes

Do you do what most would consider “all the right things” for your health and spirit and still feel that you are not functioning optimally? Do your energies, moods, and immune system feel like they need a boost even when you take extra time for “self-care?” We have a new class Reflect the right thought for you.


Sign up.

1 hour class - $20

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New Life ! Thats what I want!

How to "Change Your World by Changing Your Thoughts" of course, no sensible person has any quarrel with all of this. It is perfectly true. The only surprising thing is, it has taken the world so long to find it out; but in class we will deal with the subject of dieting at a level that is infinitely more profound and far-reaching in its effects. I refer of course to mental dieting. 

2 hour class - 



Learn about Crystals 

Classes are held in your own Living Room

Watch them anytime.





Crystals are perfect geometric shapes, so they do not change their energetic frequency and all they do is emit healing energy.  We, on the other hand, are not perfect geometric shapes, thus our energy field is constantly changing, resonating with whatever energies are around us.

I have been working on Crystal Oils of Crystalline Energy that work on the lymphatic system to keep the immune system energized and balanced. 

In order to transcend the 3rd Dimension, we have to be in perfect harmony and balance with Mother Earth.

Crystal Oils assist in balancing and harmonizing the energies of our bodies and also assist in maintaining an overall well being within the chemistry of the physical, emotional and intellectual bodies.  They keep a protective shield around us at all times, as not to be influenced by negative thought.


By wearing the diffusers with crystals inside, you can breathe in essential oils throughout the day for an extra boost if needed.

2-hour class - 





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