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💕 Amethyst: The Psychic Powerhouse It may be suitable for beginners but it can still blow your socks off. Super spiritual Amethyst connects you with your spiritual power. Deeply cleansing, this violet crystal purifies negative energies. You can also use Amethyst for protection and developing your natural psychic abilities.


AMETHYST The Intuitive Eye Amethyst is like a spa-day in a stone, it is the exact kind of relaxing energy that we could all use after a long day. Allow amethyst’s energy of contentment to soothe away the day-to-day stresses that keep you up at night. In working with the third eye and crown chakras, Amethyst indulges your intuitions. This not only means that amethyst will help your body give into innate desires like sound sleep and relaxation, but it will also work with your third eye to balance the mind with insightful solutions to problems.


MALACHITE The Transformer Tough love from a tough crystal, Malachite is the friend you go to when you need that unfiltered relationship advice. If some reason or another, something always seems to go wrong in your relationships, Malachite can cleanse the chakras and bring you to a realization about what’s not working. It’s one of the most powerful transformational crystals for the heart. The emotional balance it provides will encourage you to take the action you need to remove negative patterns and enhance your transformational energy.


Tigers Eye Tumble Stone Tiger’s Eye: The Confidence Builder This banded golden brown stone carries a more masculine energy. An ideal crystal for helping build confidence and self belief. You can also use Tiger’s Eye for protection. This golden stone connects us with the Earth, making it a good choice for grounding yourself.


TIGERS EYE The Shape Shifter Tiger’s Eye not only gets its name from its amber hues, but also its ability to bestow fierce focus and primal power only bolsters its tiger-like reputation. This crystal helps you to see through a fresh set of eyes, so that you can gain clarity on situations that have become blurry or confusing. Tiger’s eye shifts your outlook so that you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Is there a new hobby you’d like to try? A solution to a problem you haven’t considered? An aspect to yourself that you haven’t indulged? Tiger’s eye connects to the solar plexus and sacral chakras to ground you in the power you need to pursue those ventures.


Rose Quartz : The Earth Mother Possibly the ultimate comfort crystal. Rose Quartz is the Mother of all crystals. Gentle and soothing, it helps heal emotional pain. Opening the Heart Chakra it allows you to feel compassion for others and yourself. The is the self love stone. Rose Quartz is a rose pink variety of Quartz.


Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. The Love Magnet See the world through rose tinted glasses by tapping into the universal love of rose quartz. This stone will open up your heart chakra to every kind of love that you need—whether it’s self-love, familial love, friendship love, love for humanity or romantic love. As a flush of compassion, happiness, forgiveness and peace pulses through you, rose quartz will assist you in ease your grip on toxic emotions. With this sense of release, your spirit can finally be free of petty negativity.


Hematite: The Bouncer This dark grey metallic crystal shields you from psychic attacks and negative energy. Hematite strengthens your aura while defecting harmful energies, pulling them into the Earth for healing and transmutation. Hematite is the bouncer of the crystal world.


Smoky  Quartz: The Negativity Buster This form of Quartz crystal can be brown to smoky black in colour. Smoky Quartz absorbs negative energies from around you or those created by our own negative thought patterns. Also another good crystal for grounding and protection. It works with the Earth Star Chakra.


Citrine Crystal : The Wealth Magnet This golden crystal is renowned for its ability to draw prosperity and abundance into your life. Citrine is also good for self confidence as it opens up the Solar Plexus Chakra. This crystal can also be used to detoxify negative energies from the aura and encourage a more positive state of mind.


CITRINE The Light Maker Derived from the French word “citron” meaning lemon, this crystal’s vibe is anything but sour! Sweet is the essence of this fortune flourishing gem. The sunny attitude of citrine cultivates energy that is fertile for growth. In working with the solar plexus chakra, citrine warms the core to radiate power, centeredness, confidence and endurance throughout the body and mind. Citrine is unique because it is one of few stones that, rather than absorbing negative energy, clears it. It makes room for happiness and light so that the spirit is welcoming to a wide range of positive possibilities.


LABRADORITE The Magician With the mystical energy of labradorite, sparks of neon will illuminate the path to your destiny. Labradorite is a stone of magic and curiosity. Wearing or holding Labradorite helps you tap into a higher state of consciousness. It’s a protective stone as well, so it will keep your energy body grounded, while allowing you to explore the expanded states of the universe. By connecting to and healing all chakras, it boosts mental and spiritual power. Labradorite opens you up, forcing you to become self-aware enough to see what you want your true intentions to be.



Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalising our hidden feelings.


AVENTURINE Odds are in Your Favor to Manifest Your Dreams If you’re heading to Las Vegas, forget about lady luck—aventurine is the one you want by your side! The whimsical energy of this shimmering crystal is especially conducive to the power of plenty. While it’s playfully referred to as a gambler’s stone, Aventurine is helpful to everyone. Sometimes a gamble looks less like a game, and more like a fork in the road of your life; a time when you have to decide between what is sound and secure, or taking a risk. In connecting with the heart chakra, Aventurine graces the spirit with an easy sense of confidence. The excitement it stimulates can promote a more optimistic outlook that will make jumping out of your comfort zone less scary.

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    Rose Quartz,




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