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Why is it Important for me to learn about my Chakras?

The following information is for you to do a self-analysis to help you increase the energy centers that you live in. By understanding what thoughts or issues may cause a chakra to stagnate (not develop fully) is key in helping you gain more self-knowledge and Ascension.



Ascension :

A term used to describe the process of transcending to a higher plane of existence.


Ascension is the process of increasing the energetic frequencies of the elements of the body, thereby purifyitng and activating higher, finer subtle energetic potentials of existence. The Pranava Activated Dome of Ascension works by first projecting an egg-shaped energetic shield of protection around the individual. Then its full color spectrum light frequencies begin activating, clearing and restoring the harmonious frequencies of the Chakras and subtle energy bodies. In this protected, awakened state, the individual is then gradually re-inroduced to their own Higher Self and their Light Body and then, ultimately, to the Source of all Energies.


Chakra Awakener

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